Our new Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Centre gives students access to the latest technologies so they are ready for the world of work.
The global economy is changing. Current jobs are disappearing due to automation and new jobs are emerging every day as a result of technological advances.
The continual advances in technology are changing the way students learn, connect and interact every day. Skills developed by students through STEM provide them with the foundation to succeed at school and beyond.
Employer demand for STEM qualifications and skills is high and will continue to increase in the future. Currently, 75 per cent of jobs in the fastest growing industries require workers with STEM skills. To be competitive, the Australian workforce needs people who can adapt to a changing workplace.

STEM Provides a vehicle through which students can connect with authentic, meaningful learning experiences and through these building those skills required for success such as:
- Communication
- Critical thinking
- Creativity
- Collaboration
- Culture
- Innovation
With this focus on skill building, the STEM learning environment is transformed into a space where students are engaged, and active learning takes place. Cecil Andrews College aims to provide all students with the opportunity to leave school with a toolkit for success in a dynamic world and produce mindful citizens focussed on a positive future for all.
The STEM Curriculum at Cecil Andrews College offers a wide range of STEM based options for all students across Years 7 to 12 including ATAR and VET pathways. Popular choices include Automation and Robotics, Engineering / Mechatronics and ICT. Students will have the opportunity to showcase their work and compete in many STEM based challenges within the school community and nationally.