Vocational Ed & Training
In Western Australia, Vocational Education and Training (VET) is designed to help students as they transition to a broad range of post school options and pathways, including apprenticeships and traineeships.
Students who complete the requirements of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) are issued with either a full certificate qualification or a statement of attainment for individual Units of Competency by a Registered Training Organisation. This achievement is also used as credit towards their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). We offer a variety of ways our Year 11 and 12 students can obtain a vocational qualification while still at school. This can give students an advantage when applying for jobs and competitive courses at State Training Providers.
1. At our College, our fully qualified teacher-trainers deliver:
MEM30505 Certificate III in Engineering – Technical
Auspicing RTO: South Metropolitan TAFE (52787)
Delivery: 1 year
MSL20116 Certificate II in Sampling and Measuring
Auspicing RTO: Australian Institute of Education and Training (121314)
Delivery: 2 years
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business/Workplace Skills
Auspicing RTO: IVET (40548)
Delivery: 2 years
SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
Auspicing RTO: IVET(40548)
Delivery: 2 years
CUA20615 Certificate II in Music Industry
Auspicing RTO: North Metropolitan TAFE (52786)
Delivery: 2 years
CUA20715 Certificate II in Visual Arts
Auspicing RTO: Skills Strategies International (2401)
Delivery: 2 years

2. In partnership with State Training Providers, students are able to participate in the external programs.
- Students must attend an interview and application process through the College’s VET Coordinator.
- Qualification prerequisites are prescribed by individual RTO.
- Student must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enrol and receive qualification.
Other Information:
- Previous offerings by RTOs are not guaranteed from year to year. College VET Coordinator advertises offerings to students on a yearly basis.
- Students can begin a training qualification in Years 11 and 12 at the same time as completing the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) through one of three programs:
Pre-apprenticeship in Schools (PAiS)
These 1 year qualifications are delivered 1-2 days per week offsite and contain a work experience component.
*Previous offering have included Cert II level – Automotive, Building & Construction, Engineering and Hospitality Kitchen Ops. Not all industry areas offer this opportunity, however, programs that have been available in the past and are expected to be in the future are:
- Automotive
- Building and construction
- Metals and engineering
- Hospitality – these courses can be highly competitive and reasonable standards of Maths and English are expected.
Profile Programs (1 day per week)
Students are responsible for travelling to specific State Training Provider campuses to participate in a wide range of industry area certificates. These qualifications can range from a Certificate II to III and have a minimal cost associated with them. These are generally delivered over one year, however some courses are delivered over 2 years. Students are now able to access 2 profile courses over years 10,11 and 12.
*These qualifications are competitive and may require further supporting documentation to enhance applications.*
Areas that are often offered (and subject to change) include:
- Building and Construction
- Automotive
- Events
- Engineering
- Fashion and Design
- Information Technology
- Tourism
- Health Services
- Education Support
3. School Based Traineeships
Apprenticeships and traineeships combine practical experience at work with structured training that leads to a nationally recognized qualification. If students are interested in technical trades such as bricklaying or cabinet making, then they would consider an apprenticeship. Traineeships are usually in non-trade areas such as hospitality, business, manufacturing and health. These Certificate II level qualifications are delivered through on the job training 1 day per week for 1 year to 18 months. Students are employed by and assessed at the workplace. Students must find their own employer and enter into a legal binding contract between the employer, the student and parent/guardian to complete the apprenticeship or traineeship. Find out more by going to: Apprentice Centre.
It is imperative that all students enrolling in a course with a training organisation create a Unique Student Identifying Number (USI) at the USI website.
The following download gives instructions on how to apply for a USI:
How to Obtain an USI
For further information in relation to career pathway planning, please visit the following Government Supported Webpages on up to date information and career development.
Tertiary Institutions Service Centre: https://www.tisc.edu.au/static/home.tisc
Myfuture: http://myfuture.edu.au/
Job Outlook: http://joboutlook.gov.au/
Australian Apprenticeships: http://www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au/
Australian Apprenticeships Pathways: http://www.aapathways.com.au/
Home Study Assist: http://studyassist.gov.au/
Jobs and Skills with STEM: https://www.jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/stem
Learning Area:
Endorsed Program (Authority developed)
External Exam:
- Workplace readiness interview with Work Place Learning Coordinator.
- Workplaces may request an interview or specialised WHS units before commencement.
- Workplaces are organised in alignment with Department of Education policies and the school reserves the right not to endorse a student placement.
Other Information:
- Available to all work-ready students in years 10, 11 and 12.
- It is recommended that students complete industry relevant WorkSafe SmartMove Certificates before
commencing. (https://smartmove.safetyline.wa.gov.au) - Unit equivalence is allocated on the basis of 1 unit equivalent for each 55 hours completed in the
workplace, to a maximum of 4 units.
That is:
Less than 55 hours = 0 unit equivalents 55 — 109 hours = 1 unit equivalent
110 – 164 hours = 2 unit equivalents - For each 55 hours completed in the workplace, a student must complete the: Workplace Learning Logbook AND Workplace Learning Skills Journal.
The Workplace Learning endorsed program provides an opportunity for a student to demonstrate, and develop increasing competence in, the core skills for work, often referred to as generic, transferable or employability skills. A student learns to apply and adapt the workplace skills that are necessary to understand and carry out different types of work, and that play a key role in lifelong learning.
Workplace Learning is an Authority-developed endorsed program that is managed by individual schools. To complete this endorsed program, a student works in one or more real workplace/s to develop a set of transferable workplace skills.
The student must record the number of hours completed and the tasks undertaken in the workplace in the Authority’s Workplace Learning Logbook. The student must also provide evidence of his/her knowledge and understanding of the workplace skills by completing the Authority’s Workplace Learning Skills Journal after each 55 hours completed in the workplace. If the journal and logbook are not completed, or evidence not provided, students will not be allocated unit equivalents.
Learning Area:
Endorsed Program (Authority developed)
External Exam:
- Workplace readiness interview with Work Place Learning Coordinator.
- Workplaces may request an interview or specialised WHS units before commencement.
- Workplaces are organised in alignment with Department of Education policies and the school reserves the right not to endorse a student placement.
Other Information:
- Available to all work-ready students in years 10, 11 and 12.
- It is recommended that students complete industry relevant WorkSafe SmartMove Certificates before
commencing. (https://smartmove.safetyline.wa.gov.au) - Unit equivalence is allocated on the basis of 1 unit equivalent for each 55 hours completed in the
workplace, to a maximum of 4 units.
That is:
Less than 55 hours = 0 unit equivalents 55 — 109 hours = 1 unit equivalent
110 – 164 hours = 2 unit equivalents - For each 55 hours completed in the workplace, a student must complete the: Workplace Learning Logbook AND Workplace Learning Skills Journal.
The Workplace Learning endorsed program provides an opportunity for a student to demonstrate, and develop increasing competence in, the core skills for work, often referred to as generic, transferable or employability skills. A student learns to apply and adapt the workplace skills that are necessary to understand and carry out different types of work, and that play a key role in lifelong learning.
Workplace Learning is an Authority-developed endorsed program that is managed by individual schools. To complete this endorsed program, a student works in one or more real workplace/s to develop a set of transferable workplace skills.
The student must record the number of hours completed and the tasks undertaken in the workplace in the Authority’s Workplace Learning Logbook. The student must also provide evidence of his/her knowledge and understanding of the workplace skills by completing the Authority’s Workplace Learning Skills Journal after each 55 hours completed in the workplace. If the journal and logbook are not completed, or evidence not provided, students will not be allocated unit equivalents.
Auspicing RTO:
South Metropolitan TAFE (52787)
Learning Area:
Quantitative Sciences
External Exam:
It is recommended that students have a keen interest in and C grade or above in lower school Science.
Other Information:
- This is a two (2) year course.
- There may be excursions organised throughout the course that attract an additional cost.
- Students must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enrol and receive qualification. Student and parent contact information will be released to the RTO for enrolment and resulting purposes.
This qualification covers the skills and knowledge required to perform a range of sampling and measurement activities as part of laboratory, production or field operations in the construction, manufacturing, resources and environmental industry sectors.
Employment outcomes targeted by this qualification include samplers and testers, production personnel, plant operators, production operators, field assistants, drivers, sample couriers and many others. Samplers and testers conduct limited sampling and testing as part of their duties in their particular industry. They apply a restricted range of skills and operational knowledge to perform these tasks and do not generally work inside a laboratory. They:
- follow set procedures to sample raw materials and products
- may package, label, store and transport samples
- use simple equipment (hydrometers, thermometers and pH meters) to make measurements and perform basic tests that take a short time and involve a narrow range of variables and easily recognised control limits
- may make visual inspection of products and packaging.
In some industry sectors (for example, mineral assay) this work forms a whole job role.
As this course is a Vocational qualification, this means that students are expected to simulate behaviours and work ethics as if they were in employment. Conduct and enthusiasm must reflect the expectations of an industry employer.
FSK20113 & 22237VIC
Auspicing RTO:
Skills Strategies (2401)
Learning Area:
External Exam:
This course is available to students who have Level 1 OLNA results in Literacy and Numeracy. It is not suitable for students how have obtained a Level 2 or 3 in OLNA or the equivalent in NAPLAN.
Other Information:
- This is a two (2) year course.
- A dual certification occurs when the same units are included in more than one qualification. Units
cannot be modified for these programs as the matching has been carefully completed to meet
packaging rules of both qualifications. - Work Experience (ADWPL) can be a component of this qualification and will attract an additional
cost. - Students must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enrol and receive qualification. Student and
parent contact information will be released to the RTO for enrolment and resulting purposes.
FSK20113 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
This qualification is designed for individuals who require further foundation skills development to prepare for workforce entry or vocational training pathways.
It is suitable for individuals who require:
- a pathway to employment or vocational training
- reading, writing, numeracy, oral communication and learning skills at Australian Core Skills
Framework (ACSF) Level 3 (aligns to OLNA Level 3) - entry level digital literacy and employability skills
- a vocational training and employment plan.
22237VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults
The outcomes of the 22237VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults focus on the development of literacy skills to read, interpret, evaluate and create a range of texts and to apply knowledge of everyday and formal numeracy in a range of contexts. Outcomes also focus on the skills and knowledge to conduct a project and to investigate path- ways and develop, implement and review a learning plan.
As this course is a Vocational qualification, this means that students are expected to simulate behaviours and work ethics as if they were in employment. Conduct and enthusiasm must reflect the expectations of an industry employer.
Auspicing RTO:
North Metropolitan TAFE (52786)
Learning Area:
Health and Physical Education
External Exam:
Recommended participation in lower school Training, Fitness and Conditioning. Other students may select this course after an interview if they have a keen interest in the sport and recreation industries.
Other Information:
- Participation is required in a range of sporting contexts.
- This is a two (2) year course.
- Students must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enroll and receive qualification. Student and
parent contact information will be released to the RTO for enrolment and resulting purposes.
This qualification will provide students with the opportunity to consolidate practical sporting skills and enhance their knowledge of the sport and recreation industry. This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply the skills and knowledge to work in the sport and recreation industry in a generalist capacity.
Students must complete 13 units (8 core units, 5 elective)
General Context Electives:
SISSSCO005 Continuously improve coaching skills and knowledge
SISXCAI001 Provide equipment for activities
SISXFAC001 Maintain equipment for activities
SISFFIT005 Provide healthy eating information
SISSSOF002 Continuously improve officiating skills and knowledge
Successful completion of this qualification provides students with the opportunity to continue in the Sport and Recreation Industry in a workplace or by choosing Certificate III or above TAFE courses.
As this course is a Vocational qualification, this means that students are expected to simulate behaviours and work ethics as if they were in employment. Conduct and enthusiasm must reflect the expectations of an industry employer.
Auspicing RTO:
North Metropolitan TAFE (52786)
Learning Area:
Health and Physical Education
External Exam:
Recommended participation in lower school Specialist AFL Program.
Other students may select this course after an interview if they have a keen interest and some basic experience in Australian Rules Football.
Other Information:
- Participation is required in mainly an AFL context
- This is a two (2) year course.
- Students must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enroll and receive qualification. Student and parent contact information will be released to the RTO for enrolment and resulting purposes.
This qualification will provide students with the opportunity to consolidate practical sporting skills and enhance their knowledge of the sport and recreation industry. This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply the skills and knowledge to work in the sport and recreation industry in a generalist capacity.
Students must complete 13 units (8 core units, 5 elective)
AFL Context Electives:
SISSSCO005 Continuously improve coaching skills and knowledge
SISXCAI001 Provide equipment for activities
SISXFAC001 Maintain equipment for activities
SISSAFL2001 Participate in Australian Football at an intermediate level
SISSSOF002 Continuously improve officiating skills and knowledge
Successful completion of this qualification provides students with the opportunity to continue in the Sport and Recreation Industry in a workplace or by choosing Certificate III or above TAFE courses.
As this course is a Vocational qualification, this means that students are expected to simulate behaviours and work ethics as if they were in employment. Conduct and enthusiasm must reflect the expectations of an industry employer.
Auspicing RTO:
South Metropolitan TAFE (52787)
Learning Area:
External Exam:
It is recommended that students have a keen interest being innovative and entrepreneurial and have a C grade or above in lower school English.
Other Information:
- This is a two (2) year course.
- This is a P-TECH affiliated qualification. Students will have opportunities to link with P-TECH mentors,
workshops and excursions. - This is a recommended course for students pursuing an ATAR pathway as it provides a fallback position for
university entry via TAFE. - Students must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enrol and receive qualification. Student and parent contact information will be released to the RTO for enrolment and resulting purposes.
This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of administrative positions who perform a range of mainly routine tasks using practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge in a defined context.
This qualification will provide students with a production driven focus in which to apply and develop their communication and administrative skills. Students will gain an understanding of business fundamentals, different procedures and how to become proficient in office technology such as using a computer, along with how to deal with customers and clients and developing the writing skills needed for work.
The Certificate II in Business is desirable in a variety of industries, and will make students more competitive when applying for further study after leaving school, in particular Certificate III/IV courses.
Students must complete 12 units, including 1 core compulsory unit. This is a combination of course and project based curriculum. The projects cover Communication and Sustainability, Customer Service, Products and Marketing and Presentations.
As this course is a Vocational qualification, this means that students are expected to simulate behaviours and work ethics as if they were in employment. As part of the certificate, students will participate in a simulated business environment and work effectively in teams. Conduct and enthusiasm must reflect the expectations of an industry employer.
Auspicing RTO:
South Metropolitan TAFE (52787)
Learning Area:
External Exam:
Students must have passed OLNA numeracy (Cat 3) and achieved an A or B grade in year 10 mathematics. also required to have a C grade or above in lower school English.
Other Information:
- This is a competitive course and due to restricted class numbers students may nominate interest for this qualification but acceptance into the class will be based on literacy and numeracy achievement.
- This is a two (2) year course.
- This is a P-TECH affiliated qualification. Students will have opportunities to link with P-TECH mentors,
workshops and excursions. - This is a recommended course for students pursuing an ATAR pathway as it provides a fallback position for university entry via TAFE.
Students must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enrol and receive qualification. Student and parent contact information will be released to the RTO for enrolment and resulting purposes.
This qualification will allow a student to gain the practical skills and knowledge to provide technical support in mechanical engineering research, design, operations and maintenance, including technical drawing, computer aided drafting, materials testing, hand tools, measuring and workplace health and safety.
The completion of this qualification lays the groundwork to a career in engineering drafting or as an engineering associate. The Certificate III looks at the industries of Civil, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and develops skills such as mathematics, drafting and design, selecting, assembling, setting up and maintaining simple equipment and systems to a prescribed routine or standard.
As this course is a Vocational qualification, that means that students are expected to simulate behaviours and work ethics as if they were in employment. Conduct and enthusiasm must reflect the expectations of an industry employer.
Auspicing RTO:
Skills Strategies (2401)
Learning Area:
The Arts
External Exam:
Preference will be given to students who have participated in Production and Design in lower school.
Other Information:
- This is a two (2) year course.
- Students must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enrol and receive qualification. Student and
parent contact information will be released to the RTO for enrolment and resulting purposes.
The Certificate II in Creative Industries course is designed to reflect the role of individuals who perform a range of mainly routine tasks and who work under direct supervision. This is a basic introduction to the industry and can assist in obtaining a traineeship position within an entertainment workplace or help gain entrance into production courses at WAAPA.
Students must complete 10 units, including 4 core compulsory units. The course is delivered through a flexible learning environment and is suited to each individual learning need. The course is delivered using a combination of processes through workshop-based projects, online training and a structured work environment. All skills are delivered through simulated tasks. Links and associated partnerships with local businesses in the entertainment industry allow further opportunities for structured work experience programs.
The course is integrated with productions and performances devised by the Specialist Performing Arts program which aids in the delivery of underpinning knowledge and theoretical elements.
As this course is a Vocational qualification, that means that students are expected to simulate behaviours and work ethics as if they were in employment. Conduct and enthusiasm must reflect the expectations of an industry employer.
Auspicing RTO:
North Metropolitan TAFE (52786)
Learning Area:
The Arts
External Exam:
It is recommended that students have completed lower school Music courses. Students must have reasonable experience in vocals and/or a musical instrument and may be required to demonstrate their abilities through an audition process.
Other Information:
- This is a two (2) year course.
- There may be excursions organised throughout the course that attract an additional cost.
- Students must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enrol and receive qualification. Student and parent contact information will be released to the RTO for enrolment and resulting purposes.
This qualification will provide you with practical skills and knowledge to enhance your current musical skills for performance purposes. You can choose to learn skills that enable you to play music or sing, develop a demo recording, use technical equipment and computers, record and transform sound and prepare yourself for performance. Students must complete 8 units including 3 core compulsory units.
Successful completion of this qualification provides you with the opportunity to become a road crew assistant, recording assistant and performer at the local community level. It is also a preparatory qualification that can be used as a pathway into specialist Certificate III qualifications within the music industry or TAFE. It may also help in gaining entrance to music courses at tertiary institutions.
The course is integrated with productions and performances devised by the Specialist Performing Arts program which aids in the delivery of underpinning knowledge and theoretical elements.
As this course is a Vocational qualification, this means that students are expected to simulate behaviours and work ethics as if they were in employment. Conduct and enthusiasm must reflect the expectations of an industry employer.
Auspicing RTO:
North Metropolitan TAFE (52786)
Learning Area:
The Arts
External Exam:
Preference will be given to students who have studied Year 10 Visual Arts as an elective or by completing the Certificate I in Visual Arts. Students need to have a strong Visual Arts background, demonstrating both skill and interest in traditional art making skills. Students need to have familiarity with observational drawing, acrylic painting, sculpture, and printmaking skills.
Other Information:
- This is a two (2) year course.
- There may be excursions organised throughout the course that attract an additional cost e.g.
Practical workshops at North Metro TAFE and the Art Gallery of WA. - Students are required to purchase an A3 three ring binder Visual Art diary and A3 plastic display
sleeves to present practical work. - Students must have Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enrol and receive qualification. Student and
parent contact information will be released to the RTO for enrolment and resulting purposes.
This qualification allows learners to develop the basic creative and technical skills that underpin visual arts practice. Students learn traditional Visual Arts skills suited to the Art Industry or any job that involves Visual Arts and Contemporary Practice. After achieving this qualification, students could progress to a wide range of Cert III or IV qualifications in visual arts, design and craft, or the creative industries more broadly.
This course will be delivered off-the-job through practical sessions involving small-group and individual activities with some simulated work experience provided. Pacing for projects and key milestones shall be set by the teacher; however students shall be self-paced within those guidelines.
Delivery duration is on average of 4 hours per week in Yr. 11/12. This delivery is within school contact hours. However, significant after hours / out of class time needs to be invested by students in practicing time for developing skills and portfolio work.
Students must complete 9 units over 2 years. This includes 4 core compulsory units. Students will be required to develop an A3 portfolio of studio work in four major studio areas. Students will also be required to produce resolved studio work in a large scale format. Students will be required to make use of exhibition opportunities throughout the course as they are provided.
As this course is a Vocational qualification, this means that students are expected to simulate behaviours and work ethics as if they were in employment. Conduct and enthusiasm must reflect the expectations of an industry employer.