College History


Founded in 1980, Cecil Andrews College is situated in the fast developing
City of Armadale, in the locality of Seville Grove.

Our College has a proud history, being named after Dr Cecil Andrews, who was the first Director of Education in Western Australia from 1903 to 1929. Dr Cecil Andrews made a significant contribution to education in Western Australia in his 26 years as the longest serving Director of Education.

It is fitting that our school is named after him as he was the man who established government secondary schooling in this state, thereby making universal access to higher education possible for all. He was a visionary and a trail blazer, which is very appropriate for our continuation of this direction with all of our innovation.

Members of Dr Cecil Andrews family were present at the opening of our school in 1980 and have attended every Anniversary Assembly since.

The family continues to take an active and significant interest in our school, having made contributions in addition to sponsoring awards presented at the Anniversary Assembly each year, ensuring that the link will continue into the future.

They have been supporters of our school from the opening to the current day, and we are grateful to the family members of Dr Cecil Andrews for their continued support and involvement in our school, it is greatly appreciated by our whole school community.

Sir Charles Court officially opened the school in 1980 in his capacity as Premier of Western Australia. The school was opened as Cecil Andrews Senior High School, and later, in 2014 became and Independent Public School and was renamed Cecil Andrews College.

After the opening of the school in 1980, a tradition of celebrating the school’s anniversary was established and Sir Charles Court personally attended each assembly for many years.  Eventually his son Victor stepped into the role of representing the family.  We thank the Court family for their ongoing support of our College.

Over the years we have grown to a school of over 800 students, and we offer Specialist Arts, Specialist AFL and STEM Programs, as well as delivering TAFE certificate courses and offering traineeships and apprenticeship links for students whilst completing their secondary education. We make it our priority to foster a wide range of pathways to university, TAFE, further training and the workplace.