

Ready to visit our College and experience our community in person?

We look forward to welcoming you and your family.

For enrolment and tour enquiries please contact CecilAndrews.Col.Enrolments@education.wa.edu.au.

For Years 7-12 an Application For Enrolment form can be downloaded here:

Alternatively, please come in to the Administration Office to collect an enrolment pack and talk to our helpful staff to answer any questions you may have about enrolling your child.


Please download our standard medical form below:

Student Health Care Summary Form

Additional medical forms for other conditions can be downloaded below:

Generic Health Care Plan Form

Administration of Medication Form

Severe Allergy-Anaphylaxis Management Plan & Emergency Response Plan Form

Mild and Moderate Allergies Management Plan & Emergency Response Plan Form

Seizure Report Form

Asthma Report Form